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Infrared concervation in SOX lamps

This picture shows the importance of the outer jacket in the operation of the low-pressure sodium burner. This jacket is internally coated with a thin layer of indium-tin oxide, a semi-conductor material characterized by a high charge density and mobility enabling a high reflectivity of infrared radiation. This characteristic is instrumental in limiting heat losses from the burner, which is critical to the realization of a high lumen efficacy.

Keywords: Miscellaneous

Infrared concervation in SOX lamps

This picture shows the importance of the outer jacket in the operation of the low-pressure sodium burner. This jacket is internally coated with a thin layer of indium-tin oxide, a semi-conductor material characterized by a high charge density and mobility enabling a high reflectivity of infrared radiation. This characteristic is instrumental in limiting heat losses from the burner, which is critical to the realization of a high lumen efficacy.

SOX_jacket.jpg DSCF0621.JPG MH_arc_fill.jpg _IMG8194m.jpg Sylvania_MP500T16.jpg
File information
Album name:Max / Misc lamps and lighting
Filesize:230 KiB
Date added:Jan 18, 2025
Dimensions:1000 x 438 pixels
Displayed:1 times
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