Upgraded MSR projector 1
Here's a little lighting project of mine dating back from 2016. This was initially a Kobold 200-W portable battery-operated metal halide lamp system aimed at news gathering. I modified this system to run a 400 W MSR source from Philips. To that end I replaced the batteries by a 400 W dimmable Schiederwerk ballast and added suitable cooling. I also modified the lantern by adding/widening vents, by installing a dichroic mirror taken from a CDM-R lamp, and by adding a 25-kV series ignitor. While the system is no longer battery operated, it is still very compact and portable and I use it whenever I need some intense illumination for photo sessions or any other occasions (parties, etc). The fact that this system is hot-restrikeable and dimmable to 40 % of nominal power level makes it very versatile. The next pictures shows various aspects of the MSR lamp head.