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Graphic art metal halide lamp at two power settings

Based on Sylvania's Metalarc, the MP500T16 is a special metal halide lamp filled with gallium iodide emitting mainly in the 360–450 nm range for reprographic and photochemical applications. The lamp is designed to start and run on standard  M59 400 W CWA transformer ballasts with a different series series capacitor so as to let in more current in the discharge (4.04 vs. 3.25 A) for the dissipated power to reach 500 W. In order to avoid any risk of ballast overheating, to conserve energy, and to extend service life, the lamp power was usually reduced by half to 250 W between exposures. This was achieved by replacing the capacitive impedance between the lamp and the ballast by two capacitors connected in parallel, one of which was disconnected to reduce the discharge current. The picture above shows the lamp at high (top) and low (bottom) power settings.

Keywords: Lamps

Graphic art metal halide lamp at two power settings

Based on Sylvania's Metalarc, the MP500T16 is a special metal halide lamp filled with gallium iodide emitting mainly in the 360–450 nm range for reprographic and photochemical applications. The lamp is designed to start and run on standard M59 400 W CWA transformer ballasts with a different series series capacitor so as to let in more current in the discharge (4.04 vs. 3.25 A) for the dissipated power to reach 500 W. In order to avoid any risk of ballast overheating, to conserve energy, and to extend service life, the lamp power was usually reduced by half to 250 W between exposures. This was achieved by replacing the capacitive impedance between the lamp and the ballast by two capacitors connected in parallel, one of which was disconnected to reduce the discharge current. The picture above shows the lamp at high (top) and low (bottom) power settings.

IMG_7807s.jpg Tesla_SHRP_210W_-_CZK_1986.jpg Sylvania_MP500T16.jpg EELZ_DNaT_400-4_-_AR_1984.jpg Tungsram_50609_5000W_-_HU_1971.jpg
Lamp/Fixture Information
Manufacturer:GTE Sylvania
Model Reference:MP500T16
Lamp Type:Quartz metal halide
Filament/Radiator Type:Thermal discharge in argon, mercury and gallium iodide
Shape/Finish:Tubular clear
File information
Album name:Max / Misc lamps and lighting
Filesize:548 KiB
Date added:Dec 19, 2024
Dimensions:1200 x 915 pixels
Displayed:21 times
DateTime Original:2019:10:05 21:00:11
Exposure Time:2/17 sec
File Source:Digital Still Camera
Flash:No Flash
Focal length:66.2 mm
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
White Balance:0
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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Ria   [Dec 19, 2024 at 05:01 PM]
Another excellent upload Bulb Man
Max   [Dec 20, 2024 at 12:39 AM]
Thank you Ria!
Ria   [Dec 20, 2024 at 07:42 PM]
You're more than welcome, my friend Bulb Man Love

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