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Revo Horizon lost in timeAgentHalogen_8711/01/24 at 02:24Sammi: That bracket looks a bit iffy, probably betterer t...

1969 Toshiba TA4487CMax10/31/24 at 20:19Ria: Indeed not, a wonderful example of how useful inca...

Revo Horizon lost in timeAgentHalogen_8710/31/24 at 20:16Ria: And another for the ever-growing collection

1969 Toshiba TA4487CMax10/31/24 at 20:07Max: That's certainly not your usual GLS lamp ther...

Reprographic lampTuopeek10/27/24 at 16:43Tuopeek: Thanks Max, if I can set it up so that I can captu...

1000W SON/TTuopeek10/27/24 at 16:33Tuopeek: Indeed, thanks for confirming the date and type. I...

1969 Toshiba TA4487CMax10/27/24 at 15:06Ria: Ah, I remember seeing this one, a fascinating lamp...

1000W SON/TTuopeek10/27/24 at 13:56Sammi: It's wonderful that you can share such in dep...

1000W SON/TTuopeek10/27/24 at 11:38Max: Nice big SON/T! Its overall design (frame, 5-pcs b...

Mazda 200-250V 60W 2-pin Fireglow LampRia10/27/24 at 11:31Max: If I remember correctly, I'd say that the cyn...

Reprographic lampTuopeek10/27/24 at 11:29Max: It's really difficult to say which additives ...

Field dayAgentHalogen_8710/26/24 at 23:26Ria: You're going to run out of space for all this...

hidden in plain sightAgentHalogen_8710/26/24 at 23:25Ria: Eeek..! WAY too much green stuff

Reprographic lampTuopeek10/26/24 at 23:24Ria: Interesting, unfortunately I can't help, but ...

Mazda 200-250V 60W 2-pin Fireglow LampRia10/26/24 at 16:29Sammi: That's just what I was thunking, didn't ...

1000W SON/TTuopeek10/24/24 at 17:51Tuopeek: That's possible. I was thinking it might have...

1000W SON/TTuopeek10/24/24 at 13:25Sammi: The date writted on the lamp might be the date it ...

1981 Osram Vialox NAV-T 150WMax10/22/24 at 20:52Max: Learning code is like planting trees, the best mom...

Modified HQI-TS 150W/NDL ExcellenceMax10/22/24 at 20:47Max: Nope, just some common sense.

Warning..!Ria10/21/24 at 16:11Sammi: Ah those types of farm...

Warning..!Ria10/21/24 at 15:48Bulbman256: I looked around and I'm pretty sure this is f...

1981 Osram Vialox NAV-T 150WMax10/21/24 at 01:13Ria: No problem, it was an oversight in the initial con...
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