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RLOD#5 (2020.05.09) 1953 Westinghouse E-H1Max09/13/24 at 21:43wide-lite 1000: Wonderful old specimen Max !
Cell testerTuopeek09/12/24 at 22:40Ria: What an interesting little device, not come across...
1982 Philips IRC-GLS 60 WMax09/11/24 at 17:20Ria: Fascinating as ever, Max Bulb Man

I've ...
Testing a rare white sodium lampMax09/11/24 at 17:17Ria: Very nice, I have a few crown-silver incandescent ...
Emission spectrum of mercury lamps versus pressureMax09/11/24 at 17:16Max: I could have obtained all three spectra using a si...
Spectral evolution of a sodium lampMax09/11/24 at 17:12Max: Yes, it's quite something seeing the sodium l...
Deuterium source lamphouseMax09/11/24 at 17:10Max: Maybe, but he came up with good ideas on his own.
Deuterium reference lamp systemMax09/11/24 at 17:09Max: So, it's a simple question of priority then ;...
Emission spectrum of mercury lamps versus pressureMax09/11/24 at 16:44Tuopeek: Nice Pressure spectral line broadening demo. Zeem...
Spectral evolution of a sodium lampMax09/10/24 at 08:49Tuopeek: Dark space broadening is indeed fascinating and to...
Deuterium source lamphouseMax09/09/24 at 21:31Sammi: He had a good teacher.! Cool
Deuterium reference lamp systemMax09/09/24 at 21:29Sammi: Our kitchen is too small to have a table in it... ...
Deuterium lamp in operationMax09/09/24 at 20:31Max: Thanks, Ria, glad you like this.
Deuterium source lamphouseMax09/09/24 at 20:31Max: The student certainly did a good job with the lamp...
Lamp test setupMax09/09/24 at 20:30Max: Depends on your application, but if you want to pr...
Mid-1980s Philips SOXC 22-26WMax09/09/24 at 20:29Max: Yeah, that certainly not your usual SOX lamp!
Deuterium lamp and driverTuopeek09/09/24 at 20:28Max: Nice lamp housing! With so many fins you can be su...
Deuterium reference lamp systemMax09/09/24 at 20:27Max: Tuopeek - It's a 24 V electronic control gear...
Running high-voltage discharge lamps on 230 V mainsMax09/09/24 at 20:25Max: Space? No. But this save on power losses and weigh...
Philips MI50 plus bracketAgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 16:35Sammi: That would look good on the side of house... :wnd...
Deuterium lamp and driverTuopeek09/09/24 at 16:33Sammi: 'cursing' at working power.?? Laughing
Running high-voltage discharge lamps on 230 V mainsMax09/09/24 at 13:13Tuopeek: Ah, space saving electronic ballast Laughing
Thorn Beta 5 plus bracketAgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 11:21Ria: Couldn't you have borrowed the works wagon..?...
Thorn Beta 79AgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 11:03AgentHalogen_87: I think most metal ones have the shallow bowl. NOS...
Thorn Beta 5 plus bracketAgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 11:01AgentHalogen_87: I could just about carry the bracket, but not the ...
Thorn Beta 5 plus bracketAgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 11:00AgentHalogen_87: Don't worry, it will be cleaned and painted i...
Thorn Alpha 1AgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 10:55AgentHalogen_87: There were never really many around me, but I stil...
Deuterium reference lamp systemMax09/09/24 at 10:50Ria: Ouch Mind Blown Angry Cursing Mr. Green
Thorn Beta 79AgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 10:49Ria: Ah, it looked like the metal version, well worn, I...
Thorn Beta 5 plus bracketAgentHalogen_8709/09/24 at 10:47Ria: That's a short lamp post Laughing Razz :soxltr...
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