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Mercury Rectifier TubeTuopeek02/16/25 at 10:36Max: That's a very nice tube, Mark. What current i...

Spectacular failureMax02/16/25 at 00:43Ria: Wish somebody would tell me what it is, then :mrg...

Old Philips Museum - part 1Max02/16/25 at 00:42Ria: The things we have lost and will never see the lik...

Demo day 4Max02/16/25 at 00:41Ria: Interesting. How was the projection done..?

Demo day 3Max02/16/25 at 00:40Ria: Ah, last comment made too soon, thought it was a Q...

Demo day 1Max02/16/25 at 00:39Ria: Nice, is that a QL lamp in the centre..?

Venture Designer Color MH 250W/U/ADX347vPowerlite02/15/25 at 23:58347vPowerlite: Thanks! It would be interesting to get more colour...

Demo day 2Max02/15/25 at 20:19Tuopeek: Interesting demo and selection of lamps. Was this...

Spectacular failureMax02/15/25 at 17:24Max: You know more than you think, Ria

UV-IR imaging of medium-pressure mercury arc and electrodeMax02/15/25 at 17:24Max: I really like close-up shots, they tend to show th...

UV-IR imaging of medium-pressure mercury arc and electrodeMax02/14/25 at 15:34Tuopeek: Amazing detailed close-up. Almost see the ions bou...

Spectacular failureMax02/14/25 at 00:24Ria: Just my humble opinion, but then I don't know...

UV-IR imaging of medium-pressure mercury arc and electrodeMax02/14/25 at 00:20Ria: And you've done it again, Max, it's an h...

EYE H175347vPowerlite02/13/25 at 22:55Max: April 2017 is the correct date, so this is indeed ...

Venture Designer Color MH 250W/U/ADX347vPowerlite02/13/25 at 22:52Max: Interesting catch! Colored American MH lamps are f...

Philips Westinghouse H38HT-100347vPowerlite02/13/25 at 22:48Max: You're not the only one, those BT25-jacketed ...

EYE HR50W347vPowerlite02/13/25 at 22:47Max: It looks like quite a few of those nice little lam...

Clear Philips PLE 23W C Pro demo lampMax02/13/25 at 22:46Max: I am certainly glad to have been in a position whe...

Front view of a Philips MLR 160WMax02/13/25 at 22:45Max: It's indeed a particularly nice lamp design!

Philips Westinghouse H38HT-100347vPowerlite02/13/25 at 17:25Ria: I have a soft spot for BT- shaped lamps, probably ...

Venture Designer Color MH 250W/U/ADX347vPowerlite02/13/25 at 17:23Ria: Not come across these. We have a few BLV coloured ...

Clear Philips PLE 23W C Pro demo lampMax02/13/25 at 00:31347vPowerlite: Amazing! I'm glad you were able to save thes...

Front view of a Philips MLR 160WMax02/13/25 at 00:29347vPowerlite: Nice shot! I have a Duro-Test 450w SBMV with a cle...

Clear Philips PLE 23W C Pro demo lampMax02/12/25 at 01:02Ria: If you ever find another...

Clear Philips PLE 23W C Pro demo lampMax02/11/25 at 20:02Max: The contrary would have been surprising

Front view of a Philips MLR 160WMax02/11/25 at 20:01Max: Thanks, Ria, and you're welcome, Mark.
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