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1988 Norma H4 T.P. 75/70WMax08/27/24 at 02:53wide-lite 1000: Interesting lamp Max .
@ Ria & Sammi : Glad the...

Philips 80W HPL Mercury Lamp with standard BC capRia08/27/24 at 02:42wide-lite 1000: Welcome to my world Ria ! There's nothing wo...

Philips 80W HPL Mercury Lamp with standard BC capRia08/27/24 at 00:29Ria: Yeah, we have a couple of those somewhere (everyth...

Philips 80W HPL Mercury Lamp with standard BC capRia08/27/24 at 00:25347vPowerlite: Interesting. Over here we had the 100w A23 mercury...

Philips 80W HPL lamp from 1954/55Ria08/27/24 at 00:24347vPowerlite: Nice! IIRC the seller for these was located just d...

Philips Goldeye 18W SOX WallpackRia08/27/24 at 00:14347vPowerlite: Nice, glad to see this again. I ended up adding a ...

Philips HPLR 125W Mercury Reflector Lamp (lit)Ria08/26/24 at 22:19Ria: So there's a fair amount of UV being emitted,...

Philips HPLR 125W Mercury Reflector Lamp (lit)Ria08/26/24 at 22:09Tuopeek: These are nice, I have one and used to use it for ...

Philips Goldeye 18W SOX WallpackRia08/26/24 at 22:06Sammi: So although you don't 'need' to fit...

Early-1980s Philips SON-T 15WMax08/26/24 at 22:03Ria: Always good to see these wonderful lamps

Philips HPLR 125W Mercury Reflector Lamp (lit)Ria08/26/24 at 21:57Ria: Yes, this one is rather unusual having a clear fro...

Philips 80W HPL lamp from 1954/55Ria08/26/24 at 20:57Max: That one looks familiar

Philips Goldeye 18W SOX WallpackRia08/26/24 at 20:51Max: Nice little SOX luminaire. I have fond childhood m...

1988 GE FBE (650 W / 120 V)Max08/26/24 at 20:42Max: Indeed, I don't think such lamp lasted much l...

Early-1980s Philips SON-T 15WMax08/26/24 at 20:37Max: Yes, they really pushed the envelope with that lit...

Philips HPLR 125W Mercury Reflector Lamp (lit)Ria08/26/24 at 20:31Max: Nice picture! I really like the fact that you can ...

Philips Goldeye 18W SOX WallpackRia08/26/24 at 18:51Ria: 24µF seems to work ok, although I didn't hav...

Philips Goldeye 18W SOX WallpackRia08/26/24 at 18:49Sammi: When we ran it up for the first time it got extrem...

Philips HPLR 125W Mercury Reflector Lamp (lit)Ria08/26/24 at 16:22Sammi: Wonderful picture.!

1969 Narva HQLS 250WMax08/26/24 at 16:22Ria: It's always fascinating to read how much thin...

Crompton Coloured Pygmy LampsRia08/26/24 at 16:02Sammi: Nice little lampses.!

Fun with plasmaTuopeek08/26/24 at 14:58Tuopeek: That's a good point Max, the gas fill may wel...

1988 GE FBE (650 W / 120 V)Max08/26/24 at 14:22Ria: I suppose for that application they would have use...

Philips 80W HPL lamp from 1954/55Ria08/26/24 at 14:01Ria: We have since found another of these lamps, but wi...

Osram-GEC 280W Dual Arc Tube SOI/H LampRia08/26/24 at 13:51Sammi: And as such will be treated with great care.!

Pacific Lighting & Standard 90w SOX Streetlight347vPowerlite08/26/24 at 13:27Ria: Finally, somebody who gets it

Philips 80W HPL lamp from 1954/55Ria08/26/24 at 00:48Sammi: A wonderful lampses to have.
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