Last comments

1983 Philips HPL-B 80W ComfortMax08/21/24 at 17:34Ria: We have a few of the Osram HQL-B globe-shaped lamp...

1991 Coemar Roundlux 750WMax08/21/24 at 17:15Sammi: Now that's a fascinating lamp to have.! :bul...

Classic GEC TrueliteTuopeek08/21/24 at 17:12Ria: We have a 160W self-ballasted lamp similar to this...

1951 Philips 9512MMax08/21/24 at 16:55Ria: I can't find a config setting for this, so it...

1951 Philips 9512MMax08/21/24 at 16:52Sammi: Leave that with us, it is a bit on the large size....

Classic GEC TrueliteTuopeek08/21/24 at 16:48Max: I really like the relative "transparency"...

1951 Philips 9512MMax08/21/24 at 16:46Max: Thanks. Check the inserted image... I think it...

Fun with plasmaTuopeek08/21/24 at 16:45Max: Really nice! Your resonant circuit must have quite...

1951 Philips 9512MMax08/21/24 at 16:42Sammi: Fascinating information as always.!

R.I.P. Thomas :-(Ria08/21/24 at 12:06Ria: Yes, this is a recent photo, on the shelf above ou...

R.I.P. Thomas :-(Ria08/21/24 at 03:11BT25: Do you still have it?

3-way E26 lampholderRia08/21/24 at 01:55347vPowerlite: These seem to be harder to come by. All the ones I...

Pacific Lighting & Standard 90w SOX Streetlight347vPowerlite08/21/24 at 01:54347vPowerlite: Ahh, I still need to take mine apart (or at least ...

Pointolite 150CP AC Control GearRia08/21/24 at 00:59Ria: Yeah, they don't make that, so we had to get ...

Royal Ediswan 150CP AC Pointolite LampRia08/21/24 at 00:54Ria: Wasn't me, had this one for nigh on 40 years,...

Fun with plasmaTuopeek08/21/24 at 00:07BT25: Nice shot!

3-way E26 lampholderRia08/20/24 at 23:41Ria: Never mind, as long as we can get more should we e...

Pacific Lighting & Standard 90w SOX Streetlight347vPowerlite08/20/24 at 23:39Sammi: No disassemble .!!!! :mrgree...

Bubbler TubesSammi08/20/24 at 23:37Sammi: Here they are in action.

Royal Ediswan 100CP Pointolite Lamp - Temporary GearRia08/20/24 at 23:36wide-lite 1000: Sometimes I really wonder.

Appleby bulkhead fixtureSammi08/20/24 at 23:34wide-lite 1000: I like the pattern on the glass .

Pacific Lighting & Standard 90w SOX Streetlight347vPowerlite08/20/24 at 23:31wide-lite 1000: Interesting . Mine is currently completely disass...

Philips 18W SOX-EPatrick08/20/24 at 23:20wide-lite 1000: Nice !! I also have a pair of 18w . Unfortunately ...

Bubbler TubesSammi08/20/24 at 23:15wide-lite 1000: Interesting ! I've never seen one without the...

R.I.P. Thomas :-(Ria08/20/24 at 22:24Ria: If we said them here, we'd have to ban oursel...

R.I.P. Thomas :-(Ria08/20/24 at 22:14Sammi: A lot of bad words were said.!

Philips Lifeguard H39BM 175W MV reflector lampRia08/20/24 at 19:35BT25: Nice lamp! This is one I don't have yet...I d...

Philips PowerWhite 125W MBF/U lamp with E40 capRia08/20/24 at 19:33BT25: Can't help you with the data, but it's a...
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