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2000 Sylvania MS400/PS/BU-OnlyMax08/18/24 at 13:46Max: Probe-start MH lamps were indeed not really common...

1972 GE 2500L (147 W / 6.6 A)Max08/18/24 at 13:39Max: I was born too late to witness the transition from...

1943 GEC MBF/V 80WMax08/18/24 at 13:35Max: It's not really surprising given the rarity a...

1984 Philips SOXD-E 8WMax08/18/24 at 13:34Max: As it turns out, I do happen to have an experiment...

1943 GEC MBF/V 80WMax08/18/24 at 12:48Tuopeek: Saw a lamp not too dissimilar on eBay lately but i...

1984 Philips SOXD-E 8WMax08/18/24 at 11:15Tuopeek: That would have been a nice product if an integral...

GE 50W CMHSammi08/18/24 at 09:42Ria: @Max - You're right, I'd forgotten that....

1972 GE 2500L (147 W / 6.6 A)Max08/18/24 at 09:39Ria: Oh those things, yes I remember them..! We actuall...

Holophane WallpacketteAgentHalogen_8708/18/24 at 09:34Ria: I thought you might..! That reminds me, I must get...

1984 Philips SOXD-E 8WMax08/18/24 at 09:23Ria: Fascinating to see a SOX lamp with an E27 cap :lp...

Late-1970s Philips SON/C 50W SapphireMax08/18/24 at 08:09Max: Thank you Eric, it's good to have you here to...

1972 GE 2500L (147 W / 6.6 A)Max08/18/24 at 08:03Max: You sure had series incandescent lighting if you e...

GE 50W CMHSammi08/18/24 at 07:59Max: Sammi, that's not just any 50 W CMH, it a Str...

1967 Philips SOI-45W DoKaMax08/18/24 at 07:54Max: Yes, we do indeed, which is rather interesting!

Holophane WallpacketteAgentHalogen_8708/18/24 at 04:09BT25: These are nice and well built luminaires...got a f...

Westinghouse H39-KC-175/DX347vPowerlite08/18/24 at 00:02BT25: I agree with Max...someone may have been doing inv...

GE 50W CMHSammi08/17/24 at 23:56BT25: I really have grown to like CMH for its high quali...

Appleby bulkhead fixtureSammi08/17/24 at 23:41Ria: Which will be interesting

Holophane WallpacketteAgentHalogen_8708/17/24 at 23:40Ria: That wiring has seen better days

Philips MI26 blackoutAgentHalogen_8708/17/24 at 23:37Ria: Not sure how many 18W lamps we have, I'll hav...

Beta 5 table lampSammi08/17/24 at 20:33Sammi: It took us a good few years before we got round to...

CFLTuopeek08/17/24 at 19:32Tuopeek: Ok Ria, yeah it would be interesting to see how th...

Royal Ediswan 100CP Pointolite Lamp - CircuitRia08/17/24 at 19:28Tuopeek: Very similar principle for running a Deuterium lam...

Beta 5 table lampSammi08/17/24 at 19:28AgentHalogen_87: Looks good, reminds me of an idea I had a few year...

1967 Philips SOI-45W DoKaMax08/17/24 at 17:28Sammi: Between us we've got the three ages of LPS sa...
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