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Metrovick 85W SO/H Lamp with amber outer jacketRia08/15/24 at 02:50wide-lite 1000: A very interesting lamp Ria

Philips MA90 Mk.1AgentHalogen_8708/14/24 at 20:16Tuopeek: Always like the proportions of this lantern. I onl...

1, 2, 3, LOTS.!!!Sammi08/14/24 at 14:14Sammi: They're a bit close to the ceiling for that.!...

Old lamp postTuopeek08/14/24 at 13:23Tuopeek: I like to keep this lantern nice and dry and not u...

Old lamp postTuopeek08/14/24 at 11:55Ria: Why on earth would you want anything else..? :wnd...

Old lamp postTuopeek08/14/24 at 11:12Tuopeek: yes but it doesn't always have the LPS...

RLOD#1 (05.05.2020) 1981 Philips HPI 12Max08/13/24 at 22:01Sammi: Not all the time, I have been know to count in Fre...

Old lamp postTuopeek08/13/24 at 21:43Ria: Is this your garden..? You swine
If w...

Old lamp postTuopeek08/13/24 at 21:41Sammi: Wow, if only that was outside our window.! :soxlt...

RLOD#1 (05.05.2020) 1981 Philips HPI 12Max08/13/24 at 21:39Ria: She still counts in German

1989 Philips MR16 Blue 50W (12 V)Max08/13/24 at 21:38Ria: He hates it when we call him that, one day I'...

Metrovick 85W SO/H Lamp with amber outer jacketRia08/13/24 at 21:36Ria: @Max - I'm only going on what I've been ...

1989 Philips MR16 Blue 50W (12 V)Max08/13/24 at 21:32Sammi: That's why we know him as Blubman...

RLOD#1 (05.05.2020) 1981 Philips HPI 12Max08/13/24 at 21:29Sammi: It's been over thirty years since I left Germ...

1971 Tungsram #50609 (5000 W / 220 V)Max08/13/24 at 20:55Max: It's mind boggling the extent to which Tungsr...

Metrovick 85W SO/H Lamp with amber outer jacketRia08/13/24 at 20:52Tuopeek: I've seen a darkroom housing and filter for t...

1989 Philips MR16 Blue 50W (12 V)Max08/13/24 at 20:44Max: There's only one Max, you should know that Sa...

Metrovick 85W SO/H Lamp with amber outer jacketRia08/13/24 at 20:30Max: A blue version? For a monochromatic orange light s...

1976 Philips AR56 Blue 35W (12 V)Max08/13/24 at 20:29Max: This lamp certainly has an unusual design overall....

Metrovick 85W SO/H Lamp with amber outer jacketRia08/13/24 at 20:26Ria: It's definitely not externally coated, it see...

RLOD#1 (05.05.2020) 1981 Philips HPI 12Max08/13/24 at 20:17Max: Danke schön, Sammi!

Metrovick 85W SO/H Lamp with amber outer jacketRia08/13/24 at 20:13Max: What a superb and unique specimen! Is the Dewar ma...

1967 Philips SOI-45W DoKaMax08/13/24 at 20:10Max: @Tuopeek - It's no wonder they needed the ou...

GEC 400W NE/H Hot Cathode Neon TubeRia08/13/24 at 20:08Max: You're asking a lot here... I'm afraid t...

GEC 400W NE/H Hot Cathode Neon TubeRia08/13/24 at 19:23Ria: It would be good to find the others in the range; ...

Philips 125W HPR LampsRia08/13/24 at 19:17Ria: Do you have a suitable ballast..? I know that 125W...

1967 Philips SOI-45W DoKaMax08/13/24 at 18:52Ria: We have a 35W SOX version of this, must find the p...

1967 Philips SOI-45W DoKaMax08/13/24 at 17:32Tuopeek: Interesting to see a dedicated darkroom sodium lam...

The Big Red OneSammi08/13/24 at 16:23Sammi: Oops...
I'll have to correct that.....

The Big Red OneSammi08/13/24 at 15:38AgentHalogen_87: And looks lead me to believe it's the Tornado...
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