Last comments

Set of Philips Spectral LampsRia08/10/24 at 20:44Max: That's a nice set there!

GE LU400/TDTuopeek08/10/24 at 20:43Max: Nice picture!

1960s Mazda TE40RMax08/10/24 at 20:42Max: It's a jacketed xenon flashtube, so it can be...

Philips Spectral Lamps - Helium & Mercury (low pressure)Ria08/10/24 at 20:33Tuopeek: I also had the low pressure mercury shown here, bu...

1960s Mazda TE40RMax08/10/24 at 18:48Sammi: Is this a one shot lamp, or can it be used again l...

Mid-1960s Philips Spectraal RbIIMax08/10/24 at 18:45Ria: They're now up

Set of Philips Spectral LampsRia08/10/24 at 18:32Sammi: Wonderful to have these, and now we have the dedic...

The impact of dysprosium halide additives on a mercury arcMax08/10/24 at 18:13Ria: You're more than welcome

The impact of dysprosium halide additives on a mercury arcMax08/10/24 at 18:11Max: Thank you for having me here.

BehemothsMax08/10/24 at 18:10Max: Don't hurt yourself, Ria

The impact of dysprosium halide additives on a mercury arcMax08/10/24 at 18:10Ria: Fascinating as always, Max. We are so glad to have...

Mid-1960s Philips Spectraal RbIIMax08/10/24 at 18:09Max: You should indeed

BehemothsMax08/10/24 at 18:08Ria: Very nice 
If I said the word that jus...

Light and wineMax08/10/24 at 18:02Max: I think I'll go for a nice Merlot tonight as ...

Lonely SOX lampSammi08/10/24 at 17:58347vPowerlite: I almost thought this was a Philips Goldfinger II ...

Philips WW2 German Blackout LampRia08/10/24 at 17:58Sammi: I'm assuming that they were using up old pack...

Mid-1960s Philips Spectraal RbIIMax08/10/24 at 17:57Ria: You've just reminded me Max, we need to re-up...

Light and wineMax08/10/24 at 17:54Ria: Indeed, we've got a nice bottle of Sauvignon ...

GE 240V 60W Small Bulb Incandescent LampsRia08/10/24 at 17:54Sammi: Always good to have a stock of these.

Light and wineMax08/10/24 at 17:52Sammi: Wine... Now there's a good idea.

Philips HPR 125W347vPowerlite08/10/24 at 17:51Ria: Oooh, good to see you on, we have couple of these ...

Philips HPR 125W347vPowerlite08/10/24 at 17:50Max: That reflector shape and stippled front bulb face ...

Early-1990s Philips TUV 16W HFMax08/10/24 at 13:17Sammi: Another gem for us to see.

1996 Philips TL-D 18W 521-840Max08/10/24 at 13:15Sammi: Interesting imformation.!

1978 Tungsram HgMI 250/DMax08/10/24 at 13:10Max: Yep! and hence the importance of collections.

1978 Tungsram HgMI 250/DMax08/10/24 at 13:07Ria: A fact of which we are only too well aware :sadbu...

1978 Tungsram HgMI 250/DMax08/10/24 at 13:05Max: Get used to that, it's a downward slope for c...

First Philips high-pressure sodium lampMax08/10/24 at 13:00Max: In the early days of the technology, those HPS lam...

Farnell L30-2 Stabilised Bench Power SupplyRia08/10/24 at 12:57Ria: It was, one of the members of our local amateur ra...
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