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Off Topic / Re: RIP Shaun
Last post by Sammi - 07/11/2024 22:54:05
I've just uploaded the only picture that I've got of what daddy called 'The strong little bugger'.
Off Topic / Re: RIP Shaun
Last post by Ria - 07/11/2024 19:09:01
I never knew him, it was before I knew you sweetheart, but know I'll always be here for you, no matter what :-* :love: :cat:
Off Topic / RIP Shaun
Last post by Sammi - 07/11/2024 18:40:11
Today is the 20th anniversary of my bestsest frend being killed in Iraq. :cry: :cry: :DeAtH:
He and a South African, Johan Terry were killled by a roadside bomb in Zubayr, near Basra. They were working for Olive Security as PMCs.
May both of you rest in peace.
 On my trip to Connecticut , I passed a large truck who turned his high beams on shortly after i dropped back into the lane .  :curse:  A few quick taps of the brake pedal to flash the brake lights got him to turn them back off.. IDIOT !! 
Off Topic / Re: Things that make you laugh...
Last post by wide-lite 1000 - 02/11/2024 16:28:58
 Brilliant !  :lol:
Lanterns/Fixtures / Re: 'Hurrifume' Lantern
Last post by Sammi - 28/10/2024 20:19:34
The lantern arrived today, and the pictures are in my gallery.! :oil-ltn:
Lanterns/Fixtures / Re: 'Hurrifume' Lantern
Last post by Sammi - 27/10/2024 00:36:12
The lantern is now in the UK and is due to be delivered on Monday.! :love: :oil-ltn:
Pictures will be posted in due course. 8)
Off Topic / Re: Things that make you laugh...
Last post by Sammi - 25/10/2024 13:33:46
I saw a version of this cartoon at work years ago...  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: What's everyone been doing...
Last post by Sammi - 22/10/2024 00:13:08
Keep up the good work of preserving these lanterns.! :love:
Off Topic / Re: Which song, or songs have ...
Last post by AgentHalogen_87 - 21/10/2024 19:39:03
#1 - Man in motion / St. Elmo's fire by John Parr.
It was written for a film called St. Elmo's Fire about a group of posh youngsters; but it was secretly written about a man called Rick Hansen. Rick broke his back in a car accident, but still managed a 27,000 mile journey around the world in his wheelchair called the 'man in motion world tour'. I think the secret meaning behind the song is truly inspiring and my brother is in a wheelchair, so I can relate easily.

#2 - The waiting by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.
This one is fairly simple: I heard the chorus in an episode of The Simpsons (the episode where Homer buys a gun) and searched for the full song. Apparently Tom almost never licenced out his music, but he was such a big fan of The Simpsons he said yes the moment they asked.

#3 - Stay another day by East 17
It was deliberately written with ambiguity in its meaning. And it wasn't even intended to be a christmas song. They added bells at the end last minute and it reached #1 top of the pops in 1994. The true meaning was that the band's songwriter, Tony Mortimer, wrote it in memory of his brother, who took his own life two years prior. And when I hear that song I think of a friend of mine who took his own life. Sunday 25th April 2021. But I remember his life, not his death. My memories of and with him are all happy.

#4 & 5 - On my way and Keys to the kingdom
Modern non vocal music tracks found online. Songs that I listen to when I want to relax, and the first two music tracks I listened to after hearing the news I mentioned above.
(On my way no longer found)

#6 - Original theme song for Fireman Sam by Ian Lawson and Mal Pope
I suppose I'd better explain myself here. It was my favourite childhood TV show. And despite the theme song changing over the years I watched it, the original from 1987-1994 was my favourite. So much so that even all these years later, and over 12 years after I last watched an episode, when it came on in the background while visiting a friend, I found myself singing along to my old TV show once again, not missing a single lyric! There's something about childhood music that just sticks with you :mrg:

#7 - Ode to joy by Beethoven
And finally, how could I not? It was the very first song I learned in music class at school. And while my instrument playing skills were and will always be basic, I can still play this song on a keyboard with my eyes shut

That's my music essay over and none with now anyway :)