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I hope that you enjoy your time here.!  :-*
Hugs and STUFF, Sammi in Aberdeen xXx 8)
Site Administrator
There are two types of light: The glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures.
James Grover Thurber (8th of December 1894 – 2nd of November 1961)


If you're seeing this, you've become a member of the latest (and we hope at least one of the best..!) lighting forum and photo gallery on the internet. This site is invitation-only, so it will hopefully be free of the crud and inane content that is often seen elsewhere.

Note that we operate a 'three strikes' policy with regard to rule infractions; for the first offence, a warning will be issued, the severity of which will depend on the offence. A second infraction within the warning period will result in a period of suspension, again dependent on the severity of the offence. A third instance will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

If you have any suggestions, or if you think that someone you know is suitable for membership, please let us know by PM, or send an email to administrator@trad-lighting.net.

Please be aware we will need to contact any prospective member before deciding on whether they should become a member or not.

Ria in Aberdeen
Site Owner/Webmaster

"There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out." (Russian proverb)